Joulukuussa 2022 oppilaitos sai tavoitellun Erasmus+ akkreditoinnin. Se on laatuvarmenne siitä, että oppilaitos kykenee järjestämään vaativia kansainvälisiä liikkuvuuksia. akkreditointi astui voimaan 1.2.2023 ja jatkuu vuoden 2027 loppuun saakka. Parhaillaan suunnitellaan opintomatkoja Ranskaan (huhtikuu -23), Saksaan (toukokuu -23), Portugaliin ja Belgiaan. Ranskan matka toteutetaan huhtikuussa -23, opiskelijavalinnat tehty, vahvuus 30. Saksan matkan osalta opiskelijavalinnat vielä tekemättä, matka toteutetaan toukokuussa -23.
Oppilaitoksen kansainvälisyystoimintojen mottona on, matkailu on kiva tapa oppia. Matka itsessään on jo osaamista arjessa lisäävä tekijä. Se lisää tulevaisuuden työelämävalmiuksia ja vahvistaa kulttuurien väliseen viestintää osallistumista. Parhaimmillaan se tuo vahvoja onnistumisen elämyksiä opiskelijalle.
Oppilaitoksessa Erasmus+ toiminnot on suunniteltu niin, että itse matka ei enää yksinään riitä, vaan matkan lähtövalmennus korostuu. Matkalle lähtevä hallitsee matkaohjelman sisällölliset asiat (kuvataide, musiikki, vapaaehtoinen vieras kieli, EU-perustietous) ja hän on myös osallistunut lähtövalmennukseen, jossa kohotetaan valmiuksia onnistuneen matkakokemuksen saamiseksi.
Ohessa Päätös akkreditoinnista ja hakemuksemme arviointikertomus
Ohessa Erasmus+ akkreditointihakemuksen.
Hakemuksen liitteenä Erasmus+ suunnitelma ja Savonlinnan Taidelukion kansainvälisyysstrategia
Here is an introduction of our school. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please contact us. Thank you.
Savonlinna Senior Secondary School of Art and Music was founded in 1967 and it is the oldest upper secondary school with a special educational task in all of the Nordics. As of August 2023, there are approximately 320 students and 50 teachers working at our educational institution. Our students come from all over Finland.
Currently, our school has two special tasks in upper secondary education: Visual arts and music. In Finland, such special tasks require authorisation from The Ministry of Education and Culture. The current educational permits were granted in 2017 and it was based on an external audition conducted by a national authority, the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre. The audit concluded that both our visual arts and music programmes have excellent conditions to fulfil their respective missions. Approximately 55-60 visual arts students and 30-40 music students embark on their studies in our school annually. These two special tasks are what makes our institution so exceptionally unique.
The visual arts and music departments both have their own, school specific curricula, which consist of some topical subjects and courses. Visual arts subjects include art history, the basics of visual expression and an advanced art subject and topical extracurricular courses such as ceramics, printmaking, filmmaking, among others. Our visual arts department was also assigned a national development task until 2025 and is the only aforementioned developer school located in eastern Finland. The specific task appointed to us is to develop visual arts education given in Finnish upper secondary schools.
The subjects offered in music are music history and listening, solfege and music theory, the choir and the main subject. The main subject is either singing or an instrument. Our instrument selection is extensive, with 32 different instruments to choose from in addition to singing. Some examples of the most popular elective music courses include pop music/singing, the chamber choir, band groups and folk music groups.
Our school is an Erasmus+ accredited educational institution (KA120-SCH – Erasmus accreditation in school education), which in Finland is a quality label associated with excellently implemented international activities. The accreditation is awarded by the Finnish national agency for Erasmus+ programmes, which is under the responsibility of the Finnish National Agency for Education. In recent years, we have organised international collaborative projects with partner schools from Germany, Portugal, France, Hungary, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Turkey and Japan. One of our school’s mottoes is: “Travelling is a fun way to learn.”